test battery

Validated tool to assess cognitive functioning
in an online, unsupervised setting for scientific
research purposes.

Introducing the ACS

The Amsterdam Cognition Scan (ACS) is developed to assess cognitive functioning in research settings in clinical and/or healthy populations.

It consists of seven computerized cognitive tests measuring a broad range of cognitive domains, including attention, information processing speed, learning and memory, executive functioning, and psychomotor speed. The ACS can be performed online, from the comfort of the user’s home.

Other advantages:

  • Based on widely-used traditional pencil-and-paper tests

  • Clear instruction videos and practice trials with feedback

  • Three optional questionnaires are available

  • Little computer experience is needed

  • No downloads are needed

  • No personal information is collected

  • Certified data security

  • Available in Dutch, British English, American English, Swedish, Danish, Spanish, and French (German available soon)

  • Dutch and British normative data is available

  • Raw (high resolution) data is available

Reactions from participants

How to get started?

Step 1

Send us an email with a description and proposed role of the ACS in your project. Together, we will evaluate if the ACS is suitable for your project.

Step 2

You will be provided with all necessary information and documents. We will arrange a contract and set up your personal ACS portal.

Step 3

Once the contract is signed and the portal is set up, you will receive access to the portal to start data collection.